
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Airtel's new "fair use" unlimited broadband policy

Airtel has introduced a new "fair use" clause which entitles them to curb your download speed if you exceed a certain threshold of data transfer per month.

Here are the thresholds for respective unlimited download plans:

128 kbps = 10 GB download limit per month
256 kbps = 15 GB download limit per month
384 kbps = 20 GB download limit per month
512 kbps = 25 GB download limit per month
1 Mbps = 150 GB download limit per month

After you reach this threshold, Airtel will halve your download speed keeping the unlimited data limit intact.

Suppose you are on a 256 kbps plan. This means that you should be able to download 256/8 = 32 kilo bytes of data every second = 2700 mega bytes of data every day.

The revised policy means that if you are downloading continuously, then you will reach the threshold after 5.69 days. After this you will get a speed of 128 kbps for the remaing 24.31 days. Which means that instead of the 65637 MB of data that you could have downloaded in the remaining period, now you will only be able to download 32818 MB.

So in all theoretical limit before threshold = 65637 + 15360 = 80997 MB
Theoretical limit after threshold = 48178 MB = reduction of 32819 MB or a whopping 40.51%

So you end up paying the same amount every month, but at a reduction of 40.51% of the service that they give you in return.

So all of you who are on Airtel's unlimited plan, please calculate how much internet you use every month. If it is more than the limit above, do get out of Airtel as fast as you can. For all those who are not reaching the above limits, consider going for another plan with limit data downloads, but higher speed, as you are not using your internet optimally anyway.

I think BSNL's Dataone should be a safe bet now. I have had Dataone for many years now, and have not had any major issues with it's connectivity. And they are less likely to throw bombshells like the one Airtel has thrown at it's loyal unlimited internet customer base.

1 comment:

STEVE said...

I am manager at airtel and i admit this is our unfair policy.i myself use bsnl/mtnl internet at home